
Viewing posts tagged Madlib

BeatChronic Worldwide Show #1: Bendik Baksaas (NORWAY)

Bendik Baksaas is a talented producer from Oslo, Norway. His influences are focused on african music, hip-hop, jazz, reggae, experimental music, rock,… We chose him for our very first show on the BeatChronic channel because of his open-minded heart, his musical ability and his passion. Our goal is to bring you into a musical journey, especially an eclectical journey full of discoveries and based on the influences of our favorite crate diggers.

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Quasimoto : The Unseen (2000)

Quasimoto , Quasimoto… un blaze qui recèle tellement de génie que j’étais contraint de faire mon premier article dessus !! Un artiste à vous faire trembler non seulement les tympans mais aussi votre âme..

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